Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Home For Sale (update)

Well, our home has officially been for sale for two months. So far we have had six or seven showings but no one has made an offer. We really don't know what will happen. I have been looking in the areas that we want to be in and I have found a few homes that I like....but we must wait for this to sell. Lord willing. I am sure most of you have sold a house before and you know the drill. Everything must be pretty well ready to show at all times. (not always easy with a teenager in the house) But oh how wonderful for everything to be in top shape! So for now we are waiting and praying.... and cleaning!! LOL

Amy Jo


  1. I will keep you and your home in prayer.

  2. You are in my thoughts. I've never sold a home...just bought the one we are in. The thought of selling is overwhelming...keeping everything almost perfect must be tough. But oooooh how fun!


  3. Oh, goodness! I wish I could keep my house show ready! Not selling but the cleanliness check would be great! I hope you get all you need for this sale.


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