I was awarded the Liebster Award from Softies Place.
It was very sweet to get this award! I had a plan of doing a big post....but my lap top died literally in the beginning part of writing this. I am now on my husbands desktop. I will not be able to finish this post until I can get my computer looked at :( I will try to take it in to see what the problem is tomorrow.....Until then..... Blessings and love,
Amy Jo
It was very sweet to get this award! I had a plan of doing a big post....but my lap top died literally in the beginning part of writing this. I am now on my husbands desktop. I will not be able to finish this post until I can get my computer looked at :( I will try to take it in to see what the problem is tomorrow.....Until then..... Blessings and love,
Amy Jo
Hi Amy Jo. Congratulations on the award. I received it last year from a very sweet lady but I had trouble getting any responses from the ones I picked so I've decided not to do awards any more..Sorry about your computer, hope it gets fixed soon. Thanks for your sweet comments on my post. I hope people didn't feel it was too long, but it is fun to do..Happy Wednesday..Judy