Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Happy February

Has it truly been almost a year since I visited this tiny blog? Last February I was talking about tricking my bike and my husband surprised me with this beautiful bike. Last summer turned out to be so hot that we only road occasionally. It was 100+ degrees almost every day. No Thank You!

My son... I feel like Pee Wee Herman when I ride my bike.😂

2019 was a very busy year for us. It seemed as if every day was filled with something to do. And truthfully nothing has really changed that,  except I’m trying to be way more conscious of my time. 

Time is something we can’t capture and we can’t get more of... as I’ve gotten more seasons under my belt I realize just how precious it is.

I’ve tried to spend more time just being. I’m trying to block out the world as much as possible. Be in the world and not of the world. I can tell you it has made a huge difference in my stress levels. 

I signed up for audible and I’m loving being able to listen to books while doing my daily work. It makes such a difference in how productive I can be. To keep learning is a very high priority for me. I want to always be learning and not sitting stagnant. If you don’t like to read or you are in a season where it’s hard to get the time to read, you might want to subscribe to Audible from Amazon. 

My homemaker life suffered in 2019 but I have made quite the effort to take it back in 2020 and I am loving being back in that element.

Home is where my heart is.... 

I’m looking forward to having an organized home with a lot less clutter... it’s a serious work in progress.

I will try to get this little neglected blog up to date and start sharing more. God has been so good to our little family throughout 2019 and all the years before. I’m so thankful and I’m praying that we all have a blessed and wonderful 2020.
Amy Joleen 

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